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Having an understanding that words have tremendous effect on us and the world in its entirety, this podcast stands to bridge the gap by bringing to you positive words, motivational talk and declarations that will help refocus and encourage you during your daily dealings amidst negativity. We value you, the world needs your input and all we do here is to position your mind to make it happen.. I share, You share, We share we all inspire ourselves for greatness..

Loved by WeInspire Network.



Before you step out into the world, take a moment to look at the mirror. Beyond your reflection, that mirror serves as a powerful reminder that every decision you make and action you take has a profound impact on not only yourself but also on others. This concept, known as the Mirror Effect, highlights the…

Spreading Love: Empowering Lives Through Acts of Kindness

🌟 Sharing Love with Those in Need 🌟 Dear friends and family, In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and divided, it’s essential to remember the power of love and compassion. Today, I want to talk about the importance of giving and showing love to those in need. Together, we can make a difference…

Our Host

Benjamin Nathaniel

A Psycho-social speaker who looks for ways to make impact, podcasting and blogging has become his newly found love, a way to reach out to a larger audience.

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